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目前分類:Ruowen (Psychic) (60)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要
There's lot of people out there like to live in their emotion, making themselves a victim.

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I don't know if any of you ever notice this...

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image2Tom Haberstroh/CTV British Columbia

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depression440I have lots of people debat with me on this point whenever I said "you have chosen your own parents to learn your purpose of life..."

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A friend MSN me couple days before Chinese New year asking whether she should buy some Red Underwear for Chinese New Year for good luck? (This is some kind of Chinese New Year Tradition.)

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These days, I seems to have the same feeling every time I go shopping. 

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49864963c1e18Not sure if any of you believe this:  Women only love bad boy...

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third-eyeThird eye...

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wwyd_talentThese days, I have found this show quite interesting.  It's "What would you do" from ABC News. 

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This conversation happened about 2 years ago. 

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piggybackHappened to see this term today, and somehow it remind me of those days when we have been in search for the Mr. Right. 

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happily-ever-afterI really don't know who create this sentense...

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fairySpeaking of the ghost, please refer to the early posting from In-Spirit (The Book) - 10 levels of spirits.

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This is exactly why I hate and love my higher spirit at the same time. Hate him for giving me task without offering any clues, but love him for placing signs everywhere if I look. 

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