Live, Love and Laugh
This is how In-Spirit wants you to live your life.
In-Spirit was founded by a group of people with positive energy to share and a desire to bring out the best in people. Through designing, sourcing and retailing unique products, we hope we help you spread your wings, making our dream come true.
In-Spirit offers various selections of products ranging from Handbags, to Bamboo Clothing, to Silver Jewelry to Accessories. In addition to our products, we also feature limited edition products from various in-spirit designers.
If you are interested in what In-Spirit offers in spiritual development, we also offer variety of sessions to the public. The standard fee for reading/coaching is $50 for 30 minutes, which can also be done in small groups up to 3 people.
In-Spirit has a strong desire to work its best to help people connect with their inner spirit in order to reach out to their dream. With wisdom already existing in every individual, In-Spirit believes everyone can create the life they always desire.
in the meantime, here is a short exercise for you to practice at home:
- set a goal for yourself. make it specific, descriptive, in as much detail as possible. Most important, give it a timeline. (for example: I want to be rich will be I want to have 1 million dollars by 2010)
- Replace all the wishing words such as want, hope, wish to Will. ( for example: I want to have 1 million dollars by 2010, to, I WILL have 1 million dollars by 2010)
- now, write the statement down, place it somewhere you can see and say it out loud at least once a day!
This exercise will help you focus on a positive goal and generate the energy to make it happen. Saying it for the first week may make feel foolish to some people, however continue for a month, and feel how a simple statement becomes the truth and how your body reacts to the truth.