I really want to be rich...
I really want to have someone to love me...
I really want to have a family...
I really want to be pretty...
Throughout the year, those are the common questions my clients have asked me. Some of them even read "The secret" several times, but still doesn't understand why they cannot attract what they want into their life.
But here is what I found out. Most of people desperately wanted something, but in deep, they do not believe they can have it. For example, Most of people want to be rich, but not everyone believe they will be rich. Most of people want someone to love them, but not everyone believe they are lovable...
As I often tell people: Thought is as powerful as your word.
I may not be good in explaining law of attraction, but I do know this... Everytime people have a thought, they start to generate some kind of energy (this energy is usually becoming form of color in front of my eyes, and that's how I know whether your thought synchronize with your word). When the thought is strong, the form of energy start to radiate. When it start to radiate, it starts to attract the energy that is in similar frequency.
and that's how we attract things to happen to us. as they may called it "the secret".
So here is some exercise you can do at home.
Write down what you want the most in your life. such as... I really want someone to love me...
Then ask yourself. Do you believe in it? such as... Do I believe someone WILL love me?
If your answer is yes. Then, spend sometime to be descriptive about it. write down when do you want that someone to show, how does that someone look, how do you want that someone to treat you so it make you feel special etc. Do not worry how it will happen, as long as you BELIEVE in it, it will.
If your answer is no. Then ask yourself "Why?" Look into yourself. Continuously ask yourself why base on the answer at least 5 times. Then you will start to hear a 5 year-old sentence which has been buried deep inside you. such as I am afraid... I am not pretty... etc. Most likely, that sentence IS your task of life. Now I will ask you to work it, and your wish will now be granted once you make some effort into it.
You are... What you believe.
So treat what you believe as a tool, NOT A STATEMENT OF LIFE!! This means change it according to what you need, not living it like this is the only way of life.
If you are afraid to take on the big challenge, try something small. Most of my clients now really enjoy that they got the parking spot most of time. and maybe you can ,too.