If you have seen "The Secret", you are aware of the law of attraction!!

People tend to have no problem imagining what they want, but usually have difficulty making it real.

That’s why we created “ Spiritual Exercise”. It’s an essential exercise that will assist you to access your energy, expand it and bring you closer to the law of attraction! (This is the first step to accessing your energy.)

Spiritual Exercise will not only help you synchronize with your spirit, but also exercise it. It has its strength just like your body and mind. The more you exercise it, the better you get at it.

Spiritual Exercise:

  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath once a day. Extend the duration and frequency as you improve. (Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The speed is 1:3 (inhale for 1 & exhale for 3). Focusing the energy inhaled through the body)

  • Make one intuitive decision a day (Listen to your intuition and follow it through once a day) or make one intuitive guess.

  • Look for at least one good thing that happened to you each day and be grateful for it. (as simple as, finding a convenient parking spot.)

  • Appreciate one aspect of who you are everyday.

    創作者 ruowen 的頭像

    In Spirit Spiritual Academy | In Spirit 靈性網路學苑

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